2012-10-11 - The Acorn - Nature's Ball Bearing


~6 miles @ ~8.8 min/mi

Slight slips but no falls today. In shorts and short-sleeve shirt, brisk temps in the 50s, fast pace makes a sweaty forehead but chilly bits down below. Setting sun blindingly aligns with Wayne Avenue. Heavy rush-hour traffic on Colesville Road adds involuntary recovery breaks during miles 3 and 5; Georgia Avenue crossings are luckier and only incur slight delays. Branch off Rock Creek Trail at the Silver Spring International Middle School and do a fast lap around the old track there, dodging around walkers and soccer-playing kids chasing errant balls. Young man blasts past at sub-8 pace. The Runkeeper app and Garmin GPS concur on distance and rough mile splits of 8:40 + 8:06 + 8:43 + 8:38 + 9:31 + 8:42.

^z - 2012-10-22